Monday, January 25, 2010


Anthrax is caused by the bacteria Bacillus Anthracis. It is found mainly in farm animals that consume it from the grass that they eat. It is then transferred to people either through touching the infected animal's carcass, spores attached to the animals fur, or through ingesting the meat of the animal. The disease is extremely deadly if not caught early.

I chose to address the airborne form. It is the most deadly way of infection. It begins with flu-like symptoms and then escalates to severe respiratory collapse. This form of Anthrax is extremely fatal even if caught early. This type of Anthrax is caused by inhaling spores, not by contact with an infected person. Any delay of treatment could make this disease untreatable. treatment should begin even if no symptoms present themselves. Death can occur two days to a month after initial exposure. The quickness of death is the reason it was used in 2001 as a biological terror weapon and the reason it should be feared in case of future use.

Anthrax responds well to antibiotics and there is a vaccine, but it is only given to military and high risk individuals.