Monday, March 29, 2010


I took the main elements for my idea and broke them down into lines. The purple is air flow, Blue water, and Red light. The more major lines of connection are darker. The more Concentrated the lines and the linewieght defines important elements of that part of the composition. for example there is a high concentration around the area of the bathroom and light in the kitchen area

Friday, March 12, 2010

THis is a rough Sketch of my idea for the quarantine unit. the weaves are a way to harvest water and wind for energy and provide water and air for the individual. the weaves continue underneath the unit and to the roof to process and harvest evern more.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the location of the site is perfect for harvesting wind and water energy. The Mississippi River is a powerful body of water and can produce large amounts of energy that can be used in the facility. Also the wind that comes off the river, especially during storms like we experienced, that enegy can be harvested to power the quarantine facility. Also the rain water frequently experienced in our area could help power the Facility as well

Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010


Here is a quick flyer for the product. A quick glimpse to give the basic information to consumers.